BOOK FOUR The Seeds of Christianity™ Series Goes to Rome.

Meanwhile, a revolt breaks out on the Empire’s western fringes. Led by Queen Boadicea of the Iceni, she aims to right the wrongs done to her and wrest the new Province of Britannia from the hand of the Romans. Only a single Roman Legion stands between her and total victory.
Things are just returning to normalcy when a huge conflagration leaves most of Rome in ashes. Voices rise in the street accusing the Emperor Nero of being the incendiary and he searches for a scapegoat. His wife Poppaea, still smarting from Atticus’ rejection of her advances, suggests he blame the Christians. She realizes too late that like Pandora, she has unleashed a demon she can never control.
Peter is killed. Who will lead the Church, Shemu’el or Linus? The Christians construct the first catacomb and its niches quickly fill as more and more believers are slain for their faith. As the fatalities rise, Shemu’el realizes they must have a traitor in their midst. But how can he identify this false Christian who’s selling out his friends to save his own skin? Read the stunning conclusion to this epic saga. Extensive Author’s Notes Included.

When officials declare the Voyager irretrievably lost, Tom rejects their conclusion and strikes out on his own. Assembling the unlikely team of two Vietnam Vets, an Indian scientist and a supermodel, he goes on the offensive and eventually unravels the mystery. When the final piece of the puzzle turns out to lie not in the Gulf of Alaska, but in the Oregon woods Tom sets off into the forest alone determined to save his wife and granddaughter...or die trying.
Developed from his extensive research for the popular Seeds of Christianity Series, E. G. Lewis presents an interesting and informative study on the lore, legend and history of Christmas. The Advent Season, Why is Christmas on Dec. 25th? Who were the Shepherds? Who were the Wise Men? Is Santa Claus really St. Nicholas? What are the 12 Days of Christmas? What's a Mummer? Learn the truth about Jesus' birth. Also includes a Bonus Supplement, The Christmas Story from Witness.
From the extensive research of E. G. Lewis for his Sowing the Seeds Blog and the popular Seeds of Christianity Series, comes this interesting and informative study on the lore, legend and history of Lent and Easter. How is the date of Easter Determined? The Lenten Season, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Fasting, Pretzels and the Prophecies of Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. The Four Men Who Tried Jesus. The Three Relics of the Passion. Also includes Additional Bonus Chapters.
Relying upon the Bible and extensive research for his popular Seeds of Christianity Series, E. G. Lewis presents an interesting and informative study on foods, cooking and day-to-day life in the early Christian era. All major food groups are covered with specific chapters on Spices & Herbs, Fruits & Nuts, Grains, Vegetables, Salad Greens, Fish & Fowl, Meat, Milk & Cheese, Sweets, and even one on What They Didn't Have. Includes bonus chapters on Aviculture, Apiculture, Olive Oil, Manna, the Gladiator's Diet and lots of Recipes to Try at Home.

Things are good for young Rivkah. Her father's just given her a lamb to start her own flock, Shemu'el wants to marry her, and she's been released from womanly chores to stay in the fields with the shepherds. She's overjoyed when angels appear announcing the birth of the Mashiach. But Rivkah's world crumbles when her new friends Miryam, Yosef and Yeshua must leave for Egypt. Then Herod's troops begin killing infants and, worst of all, she's told Shemu'el burned to death in a Temple riot. Years of heartache and mourning pass before her life finally becomes good again. Then, years later, she's in Jerusalem for the Passover when three men pass on their way to crucifixion. Immediately recognizing Miryam and Yeshua, Rivkah makes a life-changing decision and follows to Golgotha. Extensive Author’s Notes Included.

Stand beside Channah as she watches a mob stone the man she loves. Meet Pavlos of Antioch, the mute giant whose actions speak louder than words, and whose innate goodness created a ministry to the weak and helpless. And weep for Eleana, the young Parthian woman who was savagely attacked by a Roman soldier and must now decide whether to bear the child that must be his. Experience life in the early Church as these first Christians struggle to live out the teachings of Yeshua in an often hostile environment. Extensive Author’s Notes Included.

Meanwhile, what appeared to be a random act grows to become a string of violent murders and the city trembles in the grip of a ruthless serial killer. Pavlos roams the streets hunting for the assailant, but Shemu'el fears he already knows the killer's identity. The Emperor Claudius expels all Jews from Rome effectively ending Simon Peter's ministry there. Then Atticus accepts the post of Tribunus Medicus Militum and heads to Rome as a Peter's temporary replacement. Follow the saga of Rivkah, Shemu'el and the Early Church as the Apostles take the Gospel to the world. Extensive Author’s Notes Included.

Instead she's become international Supermodel, Claudia Monet. She swapped the simple life for New York City's Upper West Side and travels the world in her private jet. So why is she hiding under her ex-husband's desk, listening to him seduce another woman on the desktop above.
If you worked your way from obscurity to stardom, would you put your life on the line to prevent someone from destroying that success? An unscrupulous businessman, hoping to benefit from the resultant publicity, tricks her into marriage. Discovering what he's done, she retaliates by launching a hostile takeover of his company and risks her life to gather evidence of his crimes.
But two questions remain unanswered: Can she do what needs to be done and still remain true to the promises she made at her mother's deathbed? And when the dust settles, will she at last find the loving relationship she always dreamed of as a girl? A healthy balance of humor, suspense, and sex with a quirky cast of supporting characters.